HostStage Guest Post Quality Guidelines
Our Web Hosting company is opening the Case Studies sections for guest posting authors. This article will walk you through the conditions to have your submission accepted and published on our website.
Exclusive Benefits of Guest Posting with Us
Here are the gain and some being exclusive benefits of Guest Posts Submission to our Case Studies Sections:
Enlarge your reach to our audience and gain more traffic.
You may get up to 2 Do Follows Backlinks from a highly authoritative domain
Top Performing Blog Post would also be promoted through our PPC campaigns as part of our Traffic Acquisition Strategy to even further increase your reach and referral traffic from us
Increase Exposure for your Brand or Service(s)
Introduce your Solutions in a way that isn’t known and yet bring a lot of value to our readership
Benefit from Affiliate Earnings even from us.
Rules for Guest Posts Publication
Your content must be well written. No spelling nor grammar errors
Your content must be unique
Your content must be at least 500 words.
Your content mustn’t sound too promotional. We do accept self advertisement but it must provide real value to the reader.
Your content mustn’t be offensive, innacurate, overly stated or negative toward another entity
Your content mustn’t be part a link pyramid strategy with low reputation outbound links.
Your content should clearly organized and formatted.
For higher acceptance probability, we recommend you relying your article on any hosting offer.
Affiliate Links are accepted within your guest blogs even HostStage affiliation Links
HostStage editors reserve the rights to reject your post submission or edit the content of your article to make it fit our quality guidelines.

Generic List of Topics Accepted
Here is list of niche and industries we accept guest content for:
Web Hosting / Servers
Linux / Windows Servers Administration Guides
Digital Marketing / SEO / Affiliate Marketing
Business / Selling / Making Money Online
WordPress Tips / Themes / Plugins
Website or Server Security
Productivity applied to Digital Marketers
Useful Tools & Software
Technical Reviews
If you have any doubt, you may directly ask to marketing[.at.]
Type of Content We Are Interested In
As a general thumb, guest submissions including one of our services in adequation with your content will have a higher acceptance rate.
For example, if you were to cover a feature of a software, introducing our Windows VPS solutions will be well perceived. As a reminder, you may even set an affiliate link from us on your guest post article. It will give you fair retribution for your content.
Also, you may request a trial to review whether it would be suitable first and effectively bring value to our audience. Any trial request needs to be formatted as followed:
Ticket title: Trial Request for XXX
The Ticket Content must include a sample of the article you intent to write would be required and the specifications you require.
How to guides for online marketing or SEO to help websites owner
Example: How to find the best backlink opportunities for your business
Example: How to promote your website
Example: How to build your mailing list
How to guides for WordPress websites
Example: Top 10 best practices to secure your WordPress Website
How to guides for web hosting
Example: How to turn optimise your VPS for performances
How to guides for custom solutions with an unique angle. (It can be self advert and relying on hosting is a plus for admission)
Example: How to use Scrapebox to find expired domains
Experiment / Analys / Benchmarking
Example: How A/B Testing helped us gaining more sales
How to Guides to Establish an Online Business / Making Money online methods.
Example: How to create a Dropshipping business using wordpress.
The Submission Process
Once you have written an article, to submit your guest post you would simply need to reach out to us at marketing[.at.] The articles can be written in the following forms:
- Words / Pages Documents
- HTML documents / Content
The submission are being checked weekly and upon acceptation or rejection, you’ll be notified.
That’s it! Now you know how to submit your article with us as a guest author. We look forward reading from you.
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