HTTP/3 Activated On All Shared Users

We have just released an upgrade of the Shared Servers which aimed at activating the HTTP/3 protocol. It activates the UDP transmission of packets for your websites which is an implementation of [...]

Media Buying Method any Marketer Would Die To Know

Media Buying is one of the most popular discipline to make consistent make a living out of internet marketing. The concept consists into acquire targeted traffic that want what you have to offer. [...]

What is the best VPS to run Scrapebox?

Scrapebox is undoubtedly the most popular SEO tools, also known as the swiss knife of Digital Marteters and SEO Agencies. One of biggest question we are being asked as a web hosting company is [...]

New Windows VPS Add-on: RDPGuard Firewall

We have released a new Windows VPS add-on which is the result of a regular support ticket request querying about the Windows VPS security. There are many bots online attempting to brute force the [...]

Protect your HS Account with 2FA

This is an announcement in order to reveal that upon request of several users, we have activated the the Two Factors Authentication to connect to your HS Manager. The process would prompt for [...]