- 2014.08.09 12:15
Over the last few days, we have deployed a few miscanellous enhancements to increase our services quality.
You can find the change log below :
Client Area :
Changes / Fixes :
- New client-area security layer. We add the possibility to define a personal security question which would be required to change your client-area password. It remains optional but it is warmly recommended.
You can define it while logged in your client area from the link below :
- Email change from client-area is now locked and shall be done exclusively through support ticket when required. We would ask for informations to confirm your identify before proceeding with the email change.
To come:
-New website design and new client-area functionnality.
Shared Web Hosting :
Changes / Fixes :
- Increase the Upload PHP limit from 2 Mb to 15 Mb, as per one specific customer's request.
- Process count tracking and allowance. It allows to go even further in the shared web hosting account isolation by avoiding any kind of server clogging from a single account.
Processes limits are defined by your hosting offer : Starter - 20 simultenous processes, Premium - 30 simultaneous processes - Business - 40 simultaneous processes
**For all the business accounts registered before the 9th of August 2014, a manual override remains possible according to the situations.**
To come :
- New Canadian server location soon to be available
Linux VPS :
Changes / Fixes :
- Better outgoing DDoS attack tracking with instant mitigation. We have set up a system which is tracking for VPS performing outgoing DDoS attacks at the node level.
We used to track these abuses on the network level and we used to null route the IP once it has been detected. Unfortunately, the few minutes delay of the old system still generated some inconveniences. (packet losses, network clogging, latency increases). Now, the current system takes place at the node level and act immediately before the nasty effects of an outgoing DDoS attack from a corrupted VPS can be felt as the VPS is immediately suspended without any delay. The old tracking system remains active as a safety net.
To come :
- VPS location selector upon order between locations available.
- Greater control panel integration in the client-area
- VPS reseller offers (finally became a priority)
Windows VPS :
Changes / Fixes :
- Hardware upgrade of our next gen Windows VPS node. We changed the RAM from 1600 Mhz to 1866 Mhz frequency and increase the storage capacity by 30% so we can keep migrating the Windows VPS to the next gen node.
To come:
- New next gen Windows VPS node deployement.
- Control Panel massive deployement. The control panel is currently available for our next Gen Windows VPS, we will make it available for all customers whether they are located on the newer offer or not, as far as the migration will take another 6 months.
** The next Gen Windows VPS offer isn't available to the public yet, it will be available once we have migrated all our current customers who are prioritized.**
Any suggestion is more than welcome to add new features, new services and more and if we can do it right away, we will!
Sincerely Yours,
Vincent Royant
HostStage CEO