How To Install Your Windows VPS ?

Throughout this tutorial, we will show you how to install your install Windows VPS. 

After ordering a Windows VPS, you have received an email including your panel login details which we are going to use in the guide below. 
Basically, upon order we provision your resources for your VPS at the location of your choosing, then you would need to choose your OS and set your VPS UP as described below : 

So let's dive rght in : 

1) You would need to login to your control panel using the details provided in the email. Or you can also click on the one click login from your client-area. (My services menu, click on your Windows VPS) 

Control Panel URL :

2) Once you are logged in, you would need to click on Virtual Server 2012 as shown in the screenshot below : 

3) At the next screen, you should find a create VPS button which you would need to click as shown in the screenshot below

4) It is now time to configure your windows VPS. In the first field, you would need to type your VPS name and a domain. You should use the panel username in the first field and a domain on the second. You may use if needed. 

If you want to access your Windows VPS through a domain, you would need ot make sure to create an A entry from your subdomain to your IP.
You can use the domain : and request us to create the DNS zone for you (it is a free service), or you can choose a random domain. 

Then, in the next field, you would need to choose the OS which can be either Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition or Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition. 

Finallly, you would need to set your VPS Administrator (VPS Username : HSVPSADMIN) password which would be used to access your VPS. 

5) Once you validated your configuration, you would need to specify the generation of your VPS. YOu would need to select the Generation 1 if you have opted for Windows Server 2008 or Generation 2 from the dropdown, if you have chosen Windows Server 2012. The Generation 2 and Windows Server 2012 is using an UEFI bios which is required for the OS to start. 

In the next fields, you can set the resources you have ordered with your VPS which have been provisionned for you. (On our Windows VPS presentation page, you have the exact RAM amount in Megabyte). 

We recommend you to leave the others options as default and especially the Dynamic RAM which would actually set the RAM not to be allocated upon VPS boot. It would remain available at all time though. 

6) From the next screen, you would need to select the IP you are going to use for your Windows VPS. You can either randomly allocate one from the available IP pool or even choose one of your choosing. 

7) Then, you would have the summary of your Windows VPS configuration and once you click next, it will set up your Windows and it will be ready within the next few minutes. 

Once, it is ready, it will prompt you to the panel allowing you to manage your VPS. 
In order to access your VPS, you would just need to use a remote desktop connection and use the following details : 

IP / Domain : The one chosen in step 6
Password : The one chosen in step 4

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