How to change your Domain's Nameservers at Godaddy

Throughout this article, you'll see how to change your domain nameservers at Godaddy to point your domain over to your hosting. 

To change the Nameservers, you may follow the steps below: 


1) Login to your Godaddy Domain Management Interface. 

2) In the DNS Menu dropdown select "Manage Zones"

Godaddy main dashboard

3) Select the domain name you would like to change the DNS for

GoDaddy domain Search box

4) On the "Connect My domain to a Website" Select the option "Enter my own nameservers (advanced)" option which would allow to specify the nameservers you would like to set. 

connect a domain to website page at godaddy

5) On the next window, type your Nameservers and click on Save. You may delete the extra value if any.. 

enter domain nameservers godaddy



That's it you have changed your DNS nameservers. Once, changed, please allow 24 to 48 hours for full DNS propagation so your domain resolves properly to your hosting. 

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