- 2024.04.28 09:58
For you to create a paypal subscription when you order or renew a service, you would need to proceed as shown throughout this tutorial.
A paypal subscription would allow you to make automatic recurring payment without having to login and issue the payment manually.
1) In order to proceed, you would need to login to your client area or place an order.
Client Area : https://www.host-stage.net/client-area/clientarea.php
Order : https://www.host-stage.net/client-area/cart.php
2) Once, you have finishsed to place the order for the web hosting services you want, you will be prompted to an invoice.
If you are renewing your service and want to subscribe with paypal, you would need to go into 'My Invoices' area.
*Please, note that your invoice must be generated and not be overdue. Past 48 hours from the due date, the Subscribe option wouldn't be available. It would be available onto the next month.
3) On the invoice, you would need to click on the subscribe button as shown below :
Then, you would need to enter your paypal account information and proceed to the payment.
That's it! Your Paypal subscription is now active and your payments will be automatically issued each month.
If you do not wish to create an individual PayPal Subscription for your service, you may also opt for a PayPal Billing Agreement which would cover automatically all your generated invoices.