Security Issue Adobe Type Manager : CVE-2015-2426 -> PATCHED!

 In Security

A few days, the hacking team released a few unknown exploits that are affecting all systems.
The security alert CVE-2015-2426 is dealing with all windows version and it involves elevated privileges through the Adobe type manager library’s DLL : atmfd.dll.
The DLL provides support for OpenType fonts and the exploit consists in a memory corruption that would give a full and hidden access to the hacker.
It is warmly recommended to perform the latest windows updates available in your update center from your control panel.
All the windows version are affected from Windows XP to Windows server 2012. As Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 aren’t currently supported any longer by Windows no updates will be patching the security issue.
At HostStage, we don’t have such versions running on our servers, but if your computer is based on an outdated Windows version it is highly recommanded to upgrade to a newer Windows.
We have patched our Windows servers on our end even though it is generally involving computers using a web browser.

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